Injustice with Immigration (2)

The next step we are now taking looks to us a very strong one. It will take another 3 months and again extra fees to be paid to the lawyer.
We need to proceed as otherwise our good names remain unfairly border marked worldwide, and that would disable us from finding another job, anywhere, within our expertise (we need to travel around the world to visit customers.) During the last 6 months, stranded in The Netherlands, we have experienced that we cannot get even a simple job as everybody considers us ‘overqualified’!

It is still unacceptable that we need to make so much costs and that it all takes so long. It has ruined us already.

So now we accepted the proposal of INZ to have the file transfered from London to New Zealand and that it would be reviewed and reconsidered under Sec.65 of Imm.Act 2009.
Ofcourse we need to be sure that the new officer has a grade to deal with section 61 applications and needs to be a senior officier. We need to be informed about the identity (name) of that officer and need to be able to deny the involvement of that officer and ask for another.

The onus of proof lies now with INZ (immigration officer), since we and our employer have already provided heaps of evidence. Also we have submitted the statement of the Computer Forensic Expert regarding the stolen private emails.
INZ now needs to come up with sound and credible evidence that has been gone through a high civil test. In the absence of very sound and credible evidence, our visas remain and we will are given permission to enter NZ.

INZ will also need to provide our lawyer with a copy of the entire file and all documents that the new Officier will look at. The Officer can only consider the file as it was provided to us, including our declarations and evidence, and must rely to the their objective letter of February. Any withheld document so far cannot be considered. If INZ would like to go beyond the specified objections, then they will need to identify those new objections and provide copy of the file and all documents.

The new officer will need to put the whole case through a hight test and look deeply and careful into our evidence and consider them very careful against the false accusations.

We still appeal to everyone : If you can spare some euros, usd, or whatever, please send it our way so we can finish the case.

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